【フレーズ】Keep it under your hat for now.
今日のポイントは keep under one's hat の部分です。
1. 次期社長
A. I can't wait to see who's going to be our new president.
B. It's Mr. Anderson, but please keep it under your hat for now.
A. No way!
2. 秘密
A. It's not fair. Please tell me.
B. I'll tell you about it if you promise to keep it under your hat.
A. Of course, I will. I promise.
Johnson の 英語でニッポン案内
from Johnson
In full swing
A toast to beautiful scenery
A: There are so many people at the park today!
B: We came when flower viewing season is in full swing…
A: Maybe we should have arrived earlier.
B: It's okay. Let's quickly find a good place to sit.
A: There's a place! Get out the mat!(10 minutes later)A: Let's toast to beautiful scenery.
A and B: Cheers!
B: Back home we can't drink outside like this. This is great!
A: I know, it's great! It's one reason why I love Japan.
B: I'm going to get takoyaki. Do you want anything?
A: Bring me some kushikatsu and baby castella!
A: 今日の公園はとても混んでいるね!
B: お花見が最高潮の時に来ちゃったね…
A: もっと早く来ればよかったかも。
B: 大丈夫だよ。早くいい場所見つけよう。
A: そこだ!マットを出して!(10分後)A: いい景色に乾杯しよう。
AとB: 乾杯!
B: 故郷ではこんな風に外でお酒を飲めないからね。嬉しい!
A: そうだね、嬉しいな!花見は日本が大好きな理由の一つだよ。
B: たこ焼き買いに行ってくる。何か要る?
A: 串カツとベビーカステラ買って来て!
In full swing 最高潮で
イベントやパーティーが一番賑やかになるのはだいたい中盤です。When we finally arrived at his home, the party was in full swing. という文章は「私達がやっと彼の家に着いた時、パーティーは最高潮だった」という意味になります。
Johnson のひとこと!
As mentioned in the dialog, in America and most other countries,
we cannot drink alcohol outside. It is actually illegal. So in Washington DC, when the cherry blossoms bloom, people don't drink alcohol.
Flower viewing can still be enjoyed without beer though. And for the many foreigners visiting Japan, flower viewing season is a rare and wonderful experience. The next time you are enjoying hanami and see a
foreigner, invite him/her to join you and you might make a new friend.

Johnson Reid

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