【フレーズ】once in a blue moon
blue moon は長い期間を表す表現で、「長い期間に一度だけ」つまり「滅多にない」「稀だ」という意味になります。
1. 息子からのプレゼント
A. My son gave me this wallet as a birthday present.
B. You get birthday presents from your kids? You're one lucky parent.
A. Actually, these things only happen once in a blue moon.
2. 良い仕事だけど
A. Why did you reject the offer?
B. Well, I have my kids to look after so it wasn't realistic to say yes.
A. What? Those opportunities only come once in a blue moon! You blew it!!
YOSHIのネイティブフレーズ 運営スタッフ
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