【フレーズ】Lots of fun school activities are in store for you this year.
今日覚えて欲しいのは、 in store という表現です。
1. 子どもが進級
A. 5th grade is an exciting year.
B. Not really.
A. Lots of fun school activities are in store for you this year.
2. 転職のチャンス
A. What if things go wrong?
B. What if things go well? Nobody knows what's in store for us.
A. You're right. Do you think I should give it a try?
store のこんな使い方も、ぜひ覚えて使いこなしてみてくださいね。
from Chika
A : Good morning, what would you like to have for breakfast?
B : I would like to have cereal with some fresh fruit.
A : No problem! How about blueberries and banana?
B : Sounds good!
A : A punnet of blueberries should be in the fridge as I bought some yesterday. The blueberries are delicious as they are in season at the moment.A : おはよう。朝食は何を食べたい?
B : シリアルとフルーツが食べたい。
A : いいわよ。ブルーベリーとバナナはどう?
B : おいしそう!
A : 昨日買ったブルーベリーが冷蔵庫にあるはずよ。ブルーベリーは今が旬だからおいしいわよ。
A : It's time for Mummy to go to work now...
B : I'll put your lunch in your bag!
A : Thank you, sweetie. You are such a good boy!
B : I want to give you a kiss and hug, Mummy!
A : Oh thank you, sweetie! Have a nice day and be a good boy, okay?
B ; I will, Mummy. See you later!
A : Bye, sweetie!A : ママお仕事に行く時間になっちゃったわ。
B : 僕がママのお弁当をバッグに入れる!
A : ありがとう。本当にいい子ね。
B : キスとハグしたい!
A : ありがとう!いい一日を過ごしてね。そしていい子にしててね。
B : はーい、ママ!また後でね!
A : あとでね。


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