【フレーズ】for the sake of ~
for the sake of ~ の「~」の部分にはたとえばお金や子ども、健康や休暇など「理由や目的・利益」が来ます。
また、of は前置詞なので、後ろには必ず「名詞」が続きます。
1. チームビルディング
A. Today, I'd like to do some team building activities.
B. Team building activities? That sounds interesting!
A. Yes, for the sake of working efficiently as a team, knowing and trusting each other is very important.
2. マイホームを買う夢
A. Hi Joanne, could you double check this report for me, please?
B. Sure. You've been working very hard since you joined. How about taking a break once in a while?
A. I'd like to, but for the sake of my family, I need to put in the hours to make money so that we can buy a house.
たとえば "in order to" などがそうですね。
in order to の場合は、to の後ろには「名詞」でなく「動詞の原形」が来る点にも着目しましょう。