
【3689】It does make a big difference.:大違いだ


【フレーズ】It does make a big difference.





今回のフレーズは、It doesn't make any difference.「何の違いもない/どちらでも変わりない」という相手に対し、「大違いだ」「全然違うよ」と反論する時の表現です。
does は make を強調しています。


1. ペンキの色

A. Which shades of green do you like better, sage or olive?

B. Either one of them is fine. It doesn't make any difference to me.

A. Are you serious? It does make a big difference!

2. 参加メンバー

A. I hope Haily is coming to the party tonight.

B. Whether she comes or not, it doesn't make any difference to me.

A. It does make a huge difference to me! She's the reason I came here today.

例文2のように big の代わりに huge を使うことも多いです。




from Asari




Dear Mr. Giorgio Monaco,

This is Hiroshi Sakurai from Phoenix Japan Ltd.
Thank you for always taking care of me.①
I am just receiving a reply from our supplier.②
I am sorry,③ but due to its popularity, our supplier has 10 blenders on stock, and the rest won’t be available by the end of January④.

The unit prices are as follow:⑤
〇100~199 units=@€168.3
〇200units and more=@€137.7

If you prefer to save shipping money,⑥ I suggest you to ship ⑦all the units at once, instead of devide shipment.⑧
If you ship individually, Euro becomes more expensive.⑨

I am expecting your speedy reply.⑩

Best regards,

Hiroshi Sakurai

【⑤「以下の通りです。」は、主語が複数の場合、「as follow.」になる?】

 「以下の通りです。」は、ご存知の通り、「as follows.」ですが、主語が複数ですので、ヒロシ君は「as follow.」としていますね。でも、実は、たとえ主語が複数でも、正解は「as follows」なのです!紛らわしいので、間違えないようにご注意くださいね。

△誤りThe unit prices are as follow:
〇正解The unit prices are as follows:


 〇〇料金、〇〇費、といったものを表現する際、cost、 charge、 fee、price などと多くあり、ノンネイティブには判断しにくいものですが、ここで適切なものを使えるかどうか、英語レベルの分かれ道なので、シッカリ抑えましょうね。ヒロシ君は料金ということで、shipping money としていますが、shipping の場合はshipping cost、shipping fee、shipping charge が適切です。

△誤りIf you prefer to save shipping money,
〇正解If you prefer to save shipping cost,

【⑦「〇〇するよう提案します」は、「I suggest you to+動詞」で正解?】

 「〇〇するよう提案します」は、つい「I suggest you to 〇〇」と作文しそうになってしまいますが、これは文法的にエラーですのでくれぐれもご注意くださいね!
「I suggest that you +動詞」が正解となります。

△誤りI suggest you to ship all the units at once,
〇正解I suggest that you ship all the units at once,

【⑧分納は「divide shipment」で正解?】

 ヒロシ君は、分けて送るということで、「divide shipment」という表現をしましたが、分納は、「partial shipment」となりますので、覚えておきましょう。

△誤り:divide shipment
〇正解:partial shipment



△誤りEuro becomes more expensive.
〇正解the shipping fee will be more costly.



△誤りI am expecting your speedy reply.



Dear Mr. Giorgio Monaco

This is Hiroshi Sakurai from Phoenix Japan Ltd.
I have just received a reply from our supplier.
Unfortunately, due to its popularity, our supplier has 10 blenders on stock, and the rest won’t be available until the end of January.

The unit prices are as follows:
〇100~199 units=@€168.3
〇200units and more=@€137.7

If you prefer to save the shipping fee, I suggest that you ship all the units at once, instead of partial shipment.
If you ship individually, the shipping fee will be more costly.

It is possible that the supplier may sell out of the products before too long, so I recommend you place your order at your earliest convenience.

Best regards,

Hiroshi Sakurai

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