【フレーズ】do whatever it takes to
ここでの take は「要する」という意味。 全体で「〜するのに必要なことは何だってする」 という意味になります。 do whatever it takes to 〜 で このまま覚えてしまいましょう。 to の後ろに入れる動詞によって 「〜するためなら」の部分を色々と応用して使えます。
1. 締め切り間近
A. I still have a little bit left to do.
B. Are you serious? Do whatever it takes to get the job done.
A. Okay, I will.
2. 要注意人物
A. Watch out for Cameron.
B. He's a nice guy. What are you talking about?
A. He'll do and say whatever it takes to get what he wants.
慣れるまではちょっと難しいかもしれませんが、例文を繰り返し練習して 覚えるようにしてください。
from Chika
What is an Australian BBQ in the first place?
First of all, the word 'BBQ' comes from a French word, 'barbe a queue', which means 'from head to tail', has been used to describe a method of cooking a pig whole. Australian's have really turned the BBQ into their own in 70's and it has become a part of their way of life which fits in with their relaxed lifestyle of enjoying the outdoors.
最初に、BBQはフランス語の'barbe et queue'「頭(あごひげ)から尻尾まで」という、豚の丸焼きを意味する言葉に由来するそうです。オーストラリアに定着したのは70年代で、アウトドアを満喫できるリラックスしたライフスタイルにぴったりな料理となりました。
'Nabe-Bugyo' in Japan and 'BBQ master' in Australia?
As you know 'Nabe-Bugyo' is a person in charge of overseeing the process of cooking and serving a hot pot dish. There is a similar person for Australian BBQ too. Normally the Australian BBQ master is overseen by men and traditionally men tend to like cooking the BBQ, so the females can sit back with a glass of wine and relax. Although women are often responsible for bringing salad.
When do Australians have BBQs?
BBQs are generally a casual gathering, often had with family and friends when the weather is warm and sunny. It may be for a celebration or just a good reason to go out and enjoy the sunshine.
What do people in Australia wear to BBQs?
BBQs in Australia have a relaxed atmosphere, where no dress code applies. It's not unusual for just a shirt or a tank top with shorts to be worn with thongs (Australian for sandals).
What do people drink at an Australian BBQ?
Along with water and soft drinks, beer and wine are the most enjoyed drinks at a BBQ.
What do people do at a BBQ?
BBQs are not just for eating and drinking. It's a very social event where people often play ball games such as cricket, football and soccer. This allows both the adults and children to play together in a fun and mostly non competitive way.


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