【フレーズ】Let me know if anything comes up.
以前 Something's come up.(用事ができちゃった)というフレーズをご紹介しましたが、今日の come up も 「(用事、問題などが)予期せず発生する」というニュアンスになります。「予想外のことが起きてしまったら、知らせてほしい」と伝えたいときの定番フレーズになります。
1. 1泊の出張
A. You should be fine while I'm away.
B. I hope so.
A. No worries. Let me know if anything comes up.
2. 週末の計画
A. Sunday should work for me.
B. Let me know if anything comes up. We can always reschedule.
A. Sounds good. Thanks.
if を伴う文では、通常 anything を使うのが好まれます。
from Chika
7:30am (breakfast time) :朝起きて
-James, Dada! It's time to get up!
-James, what would you like to wear today?
-Would you like Mama to turn the heater on for you, darling?
-Can you get milk from the fridge for our cereal?
-Which fruits would you like to add in your cereal? Strawberries? Blueberries? Raspberries? Or all of them?
-Can you please bring your bib, sweetheart?ジェームズ、おとうさん、起きる時間よ!
-I have a meeting to attend this morning, so I won't be able to answer phone calls or text messages while I’m in the meeting.
-Sorry I will have to leave for work now, sweeties.
-Please be a good boy James. OK? See you soon.
-Have a lovely day! I love you!-今朝は会議があるから、会議中は電話もメッセージもできないからね。
-またあとで。いい一日をすごしてね。 愛してるわよ!
8:30am (arrive at work) :会社に着いて
Alex:Good morning guys! How are you this morning?
Chika:Not too bad.
Chika:I'm feeling it'll be a great day today because James was such a good boy this morning.アレックス:おはよう、みなさん!今朝のご機嫌いかが?
9:00am (Making phone calls at work):会社で電話をかける
Chika:Good morning, how are you? Can I please speak to Lala? Is she in today?
Lala:Hi Chika, how are you this morning?
Chika:I'm good thank you! Sorry Lala, I was supposed to call you back yesterday but I couldn't as I had to leave work early.
Lala:No problem at all. I just wanted to confirm the booking change request detail with you.チカ:おはよう。ご機嫌いかが?ララと話せるかしら?彼女は今日はいる?
10:00am (Receiving phone calls at work):会社で電話がかかってくる
Chika:Good morning Chika speaking.
Jonn:Hello Chika. It's John from ABC Company. I need you to change an order detail ASAP. The order should be with ETD next week so I contacted you urgently.
Chika:Please let me check with our system. That shouldn't be a problem at all. I will change the order right now and email you with the new details. Is there anything else I can do for you?チカ:おはようございます。チカです。
10:30am (Department meeting at work):部署の会議にて
Jon:Are there any new orders you have to add in the system?
Chika:Yes, I have three new orders which have to be booked with ETD next February.
Jon:Will there be anyone away this week?
Chika:I will be away on Thursday as I have a dentist appointment.ジョン:システムに入力される新規のオーダーはありますか?
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