

【3322】I finally got the truth out of him. :ついに彼から真相を聞き出した


【フレーズ】I finally got the truth out of him.




get 〜 out of (人)で「(人)から〜を聞き出す」という意味です。情報などを誰からやっとのことで聞き出す、なんとかして入手する、というニュアンスになります。


1. 友人がついに白状

A. I finally got the truth out of him.

B. Really? How did you do it?

A. I took him out for dinner and had a good talk with him.

2. クリスマスプレゼント

A. It's going to be a surprise.

B. Please. Tell me what it is.

A. No. You won't be able to get any clues out of me.

口語で非常によく使うget のパターンの1つです。



Johnson の 英語でニッポン案内

from Johnson


Get bent out of shape


Operation Christmas Present


A: I don’t know what to give my girlfriend for Christmas.
B: What did you give her last year?
A: I gave her a gift certificate to a department store…
B: That’s great! Why not give her one again this year?
A: Because she got pretty bent out of shape about it.
B: What do you mean?
A: She said she wanted a real present.
B: Why don’t you choose a present together?
A: That’s a great idea!
B: I hope she chooses something not expensive.

A: クリスマスに彼女に何をプレゼントすればいいか分からない。
B: 去年は何をあげたの?
A: デパートの商品券をあげた…
B: いいね!今年もまたあげたら?
A: 彼女がへそを曲げちゃったんだよ。
B: どういうこと?
A: 彼女は何か、「物」が欲しかったって言った。
B: じゃあ、 一緒にプレゼントを選びに行ったら?
A: それはいい考えだね!
B: 高いものじゃないとといいね。

Get bent out of shape へそを曲げる

怒るは get angry と表現しますが、「怒る+腹が立つ」ことはbent out of shape を使います。「へそを曲げる」はget bent out of shape になります。自分自身に対して使う表現ではありません。相手に「怒るなよ」と言いたいなら、 Don't get bent out of shape. となります。

Johnson のひとこと!

Christmas is very different in Japan compared to America.
In America, it's most important to spend Christmas with family at home. It is not thought to be a day for couples. We often eat turkey or ham, even though we just had it one month before for Thanksgiving!
On New Year's eve some people party and have a good time outside of home, but many people also spend time with family at home too.
This year, I will enjoy spending Christmas with my girlfriend. I hope you will continue to read next year too!


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Johnson Reid

Johnson Reid




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