【フレーズ】I agree with you.
同意できない場合は、I don't agree with you. のように don't を間に入れればOKです。
1. カスタマーサービス
A. I think the most important thing for any business is the quality of its customer service.
B. I agree with you.
A. So, let's shift our focus toward improving the quality.
2. 家でリラックス
A. I'm feeling like today is a good day to stay at home and relax rather than going out.
B. I totally agree with you!
A. Great! How about watching this movie?
相手の意見に大賛成の時は、例文(2)の I totally agree with you! のように totally や completely など、程度を強調する副詞を入れることで、同意している気持ちをより一層伝えることができます。