【フレーズ】We only have a month left this year.
ここでの left は leave の過去分詞で、名詞を後ろから修飾して「残り〜」という意味を加えます。
1. 忘年会シーズン
A. We only have a month left this year. Can you believe it?
B. I know. Time has flown by.
A. We need to start planning our end of the year party soon.
2. 今年の目標
A. Wow, we only have one month left this year.
B. Let's achieve that fitness goal we set on New Year's day.
A. Right. Starting tomorrow we're gonna run every morning for 30 minutes.
There's only a month left this year. とも言えます。

YOSHIのネイティブフレーズ 運営スタッフ

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