【フレーズ】a house of cards
ここで言う "cards" とは、トランプを指しています。
これに例えて a house of cards は「不安定である様子」「もろい」「計画性のないこと」という意味になります。
1. 改善案
A. We really need to find a solution to this problem asap!
B. I know! It looks like the original marketing plan was premised on a house of cards.
A. OK, grab a couple of your best minds and put them on this right away!
2. 政治情勢
A. Did you watch the news coverage about the ongoing political situation in that country?
B. Of course. It's so unstable over there.
A. Their government is like a house of cards.

YOSHIのネイティブフレーズ 運営スタッフ

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