【フレーズ】I'm pressed for time.
昨日は press という動詞を使ったフレーズでしたが、今日は pressed と形容詞を使ったフレーズです。 pressed for time で「時間が足りない」「時間に追われて」といった意味になります。
1. レポートの期限
A. When is your report due?
B. Tomorrow at ten o'clock. I'm pressed for time.
A. Is there anything I can do to help?
2. レストラン
A. I really wanted to try their dessert.
B. Why didn't you?
A. We were kind of pressed for time that night.
この機会に press が持つ「押す」以外の意味やニュアンスを覚えて、ぜひ会話に役立ててみてください。
Johnson の 英語でニッポン案内
from Johnson
You can say that again!
I can’t understand the meaning of Wabisabi!
A: We’re lucky to be in Japan when the leaves change colors.
B: Yeah, Ginkaku-ji is even more beautiful than before.
A: I heard this is what Japanese people call wabi-sabi.
B: Because of the simplicity?
A: Not just that. You can also feel the faded beauty from Ginkaku-ji's moss.
B: It’s very difficult to understand...
A: You can say that again! For Japanese people there is unique beauty in simple and old things.
B: So, to be more wabisabi, should we cancel our shopping trip after this?
A: Of course not! I want more clothes!
A: 紅葉の季節に、日本に来てよかったね。
B: そうだね!銀閣寺は前に来た時より、もっと綺麗だ。
A: 日本人はこれを侘び寂びと呼んでいるらしい。
B: 質素だから?
A: それだけじゃない。銀閣寺の苔からも寂れた美しさが感じられるよね。
B: 理解するのが難しい…
A: 本当にそうだよね!日本人には、質素なものや古いものに対する独特の美意識があるんだ。
B: じゃあ、もっと侘び寂びになるために、今からのショッピングを止めておくべき?
A: それは違うよ、僕は服がもっと欲しい!
You can say that again!
Johnson のひとこと!
Honestly, I'm not sure if I heard of wabisabi before this month. I'm also not sure I fully understand it either.
But in trying to research it, I can see many different examples of wabisabi in Japanese culture. From temples to old schools, I can get a sense of wabisabi.
Some people believe wabisabi will become the next big thing in Western culture, like feng-shui, but I think westerners (and many Japanese people) love material goods too much to be truly wabisabi.

Johnson Reid

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