【フレーズ】Let's try to meet up more often this year.
"more often" は「現在の頻度よりもっと多く」という意味の決まり文句です。
1. 久しぶり1
A. Let's try to meet up more often this year.
B. Absolutely! How about going to the museum together next month?
A. Great idea! I'll let you know about my schedule.
2. 久しぶり2
A. I'm so glad we can finally see each other.
B. Same here. Let's try to meet up more often this year.
A. Sure. How about we take a day trip during spring break?
"meet up" を "get together(集まる)" や "see each other(会う)" などに変えても同じ意味になります。

YOSHIのネイティブフレーズ 運営スタッフ