【フレーズ】was cheating
この cunning は「ずるい、悪賢い」という意味なのですが、こちらは形容詞であり、カンニングや不正行為を指す英語ではありません。
1. カンニング
A. I heard that some students were cheating during the exam.
B. Are you serious? That's really terrible.
A. Yes, some of the students told me about it.
2. 不正行為
A. Did you hear the news? They found out that one of the athletes who won a gold medal was cheating during the competition.
B. Yes, I saw it on the news while watching TV this morning.
A. That's really disappointing to hear about, huh?
こちらは英語だと、Cheat Sheet(チートシート)と言うそうです。

YOSHIのネイティブフレーズ 運営スタッフ

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