【フレーズ】decade (~ decades)
decade は「10年間」という意味です。
20年間の場合は複数形の decades を使って "two decades" と表すことができます。
1. ニュースを見て
A. Did you see the news about the chemical plant leak?
B. Yes, it's terrible! They say it will take decades to reverse the environmental damage.
A. The worst thing is that management knew about the problem for years.
2. 英語学習
A. I don't think that I'm ever going to be good at English.
B. Don't say that! Look at me, I've been studying English for more than two decades and I still have trouble.
A. Really, but you seem so fluent.
例文(2)のBの回答は、"I have been studying English for more than twenty years." と言っても同じ意味です。

YOSHIのネイティブフレーズ 運営スタッフ

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