【フレーズ】close at hand
close at hand は「手の届く範囲(近く)にある」 という意味です。
1. おやつを盗む犬
A. On no! My dog is stealing his snack off the table!
B. What? I didn't think he could get up on the table.
A. Well, now that we know he can, let’s try and not keep his food close at hand, okay?
2. 川の水質改善
A. The water quality of the river in our neighborhood is getting better and better!
B. Look! I can see some fish over there!
A. It looks like the end of the river’s water pollution problems is close at hand.
例2でご紹介した「間近に迫る」という意味では、次回の just around the corner もよく使われます。

YOSHIのネイティブフレーズ 運営スタッフ

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