【フレーズ】My mother is living proof.
living proof は「生きた証拠」です。
1. 年齢は関係なし
A. Age is just a number.
B. It's easy for you to say. Starting something at the age of 50 is hard.
A. My mother is living proof of this. She went back to college at that age.
2. 復活を遂げた俳優
A. He's become such a great actor.
B. Yeah. I thought his career was done when he got arrested.
A. Me too. He's living proof that anyone can start over.
今回も living, proof と [l][r] の発音が続きます。違いを意識して練習しましょう。

YOSHIのネイティブフレーズ 運営スタッフ

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