【フレーズ】There's no better time than now.
1. 勉学の秋
A. Have you signed up for the online accounting course?
B. Not yet. I've been kind of putting it off.
A. It's the first day of October. There's no better timing than now.
2. ダイエット
A. I want to lose weight. I'm going to start exercising in the new year.
B. What's the point of waiting for another three months?
A. You're right. I guess there's no better time than now.
No better time than now. と省略したバージョンもよく使います。
Johnson の 英語でニッポン案内
from Johnson
Time-honored practice
Mealtime Etiquette
*At a nomikai for the company they attend*
A: I’m starving! Why aren’t we eating yet?
B: Well not everybody is here yet so you’re going to have to wait.
A: No way! *starts to eat*
B: What are you doing?! Waiting for everyone to eat is a time-honored practice in Japan.
A: Other people don’t care too much about it, right?
B: Well the last foreigner who didn’t wait isn’t here anymore.
A: I’ll just put all this food back.*飲み会で*
A: 腹減った!なんでまだ食べてないの?
B: みんながまだ着いていないから待ってなくちゃ。
A: 待ちたくないよ!*食べ始める*
B: 何やってんの?みんなを待つことは日本の古い伝統だよ。
A: そんな事みんな気にしないでしょ?
B: 以前、待たずに食べ始めた外国人がいたけど、もうこの会社にいないよ。
A: この食べ物を戻すね。
Time-honored practice/古い伝統
Johnson のひとこと!
I’m sure that foreigners who come to Japan know about the Japanese greetings before and after meals. It may take some getting used to. In America for informal gatherings with friends we don’t wait to eat or drink. Of course at the dinner table at home a family will wait until everyone is gathered to eat and some families even pray before eating.

Johnson Reid

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