【フレーズ】China has the second largest population in the world.
この場合、「the + 序数詞(second、thirdなど)+ 最上級 + 名詞」を使って表現することができます。
1. 人口が最も多い国
A. I just read that India has the world's largest population now.
B. Is that so? I thought it was China.
A. It was, but now China has the second largest population in the world.
2. カナダの国土面積
A. You came from Canada, right? Can you tell me something about your home country?
B. Sure. Canada has the second largest land area in the world.
A. Oh really?
"second" を "third" に変えれば、「3番目の〜」と言うことができます。
同様に、4番目は "fourth"、5番目は "fifth" ですね。