【フレーズ】a white elephant
1. 公園にできた建造物
A. Have you seen the new sculpture in the park?
B. Yeah, what is it supposed to be? A huge puzzle ring or something?
A. In my opinion, it's a white elephant! A complete waste of money and space!
2. オフィス改装
A. What do you think about the plans for the office renovation project?
B. I like some of the changes, but I'm worried a lot of these ideas will end up being like a white elephant.
A. Right, it's way too expensive and they haven't given any thought to our future growth!
"end up a white elephant" や "going to be a white elephant" のように、「結果として無用の長物になる」のような使い方をすることが多いです。

YOSHIのネイティブフレーズ 運営スタッフ

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