【フレーズ】I still have a lot to learn.
I still have a lot to~ で「まだ〜すべきことはたくさんある」という意味。
I と have の間にstill を入れる点と、「〜がある」を動詞 haveで表す点がポイントです。
1. 入社3ヶ月後の面談
A. It's been three months since you started. How have you been doing?
B. I've been doing well. I still have a lot to learn, but I really enjoy working here.
A. That's good to hear. Keep up the good work.
2. 観光初日
A. I'm tired. Let's go back to the hotel.
B. Come on, we still have a lot to see.
A. This is only the first day. There will be plenty of time to explore later on.
Johnson の 英語でニッポン案内
from Johnson
On the dot
Coming and Going
A: Are you ready?
B: Just a few more minutes!
A: If you don’t hurry up we’ll be late.
B: I know, but I didn’t plan on it raining today.
A: You should have checked the weather report. We have to go!
B: Is there a chance the train will be late?
A: Not at all. We’re riding the JR train, which is always on the dot.
B: Even in this heavy rain?
A: That’s right. So grab your umbrella and let’s head out!A: 準備できた?
B: あと数分!
A: 早く準備しないと遅れるよ。
B: わかってるけど、この雨は予想外だよ。
A: 天気予報を見れば良かった。もう行かなくちゃ!
B: 電車が遅れる可能性はある?
A: ぜんぜんないよ。絶対に時間どおりのJRに乗るつもりだから。
B: こんな大雨でも?
A: そうだよ。さあ傘を持って行こう!
On the dot/時間どおりに
この表現は『時間どおり』という意味として使えます。アバウトな時間ではなくて、ピッタリちょうどの時刻のことを指します。「電車は1:03ちょうどに到着しました」の場合なら、1:03の後に on the dot を添えます。
Johnson のひとこと!
I come from a part of America, Missouri, that doesn’t have a lot of trains. So the first time I rode a train was the first time I came to Japan. It was convenient not having to drive myself as I could do other things while riding the train. It is also very nice that they’re usually on time. But I will always miss having a car in America.

Johnson Reid

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