【フレーズ】raise questions
raise には「上げる」とか「養う」といった意味がありますが、今回は「もたらす/引き起こす」といった意味で使われています。
1. 学校の安全
A. I just heard that there was another school shooting in the Outer Richmond.
B. Isn't this the second one this year?
A. Yes, these incidents are definitely raising questions about the safety protocols in our schools.
2. 建設プロジェクト
A. Did you know that a new huge shopping mall is supposed to be built here by the end of 2025?
B. I'm sure that's going to attract a lot of people to the area.
A. That's true, however this project is raising some environmental concerns.
例文2のように、concerns という単語と組み合わせた表現もよく使われています。

YOSHIのネイティブフレーズ 運営スタッフ

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