【フレーズ】I don't buy it.
「I don't buy it. = 私はそれを買わない」ですよね。
ですが buy には、「買う」以外に「信じる・受け入れる」という意味もあるんです。
つまり「I don't buy it. = 私はそんなこと、信じないよ」という意味にもなります。
1. 怪しい薬
A. Did you hear about that new diet pill that everyone's talking about?
B. I don't buy it. Most pills like that don't work.
A. But this one is different! It's been scientifically proven to be effective.
2. ウソじゃないよ
A. I heard Mike quit his job at the hotel and became a successful influencer.
B. I don't buy it. He was never the type of guy to go on social media.
A. I didn't believe it either until I looked him up. Look!
YOSHIのネイティブフレーズ 運営スタッフ
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