【フレーズ】beat around the bush
1. 言いづらい話
A. I think I'll take some time off from my job for a while. I need some quality time with you.
B. Stop beating around the bush. Just tell me what happened.
A. Well, I got fired.
2. 取引先との打ち合わせ後
A. What do you think about NIck's presentation?
B. Not bad, but I don't think they understood the good points of our new product.
A. I know. He should have stopped being beating around the bush and gotten right to the point.
< そうだよね。遠回しな言い方じゃなくて、要点をつくべきだったと思うよ。>
イギリスでは同じ意味で、beat about the bush を使うことが多いようです。
YOSHIのネイティブフレーズ 運営スタッフ
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