【フレーズ】 Don't make a big deal out of nothing.
make a big deal は「大げさに騒ぐ」、 out of nothing は「何もないところから」です。
1. 疑惑
A. I saw Erica chatting with Max earlier. They might be dating.
B. Erica and Max are just friends. Don't make a big deal out of nothing.
A. They seemed to be more than just friends.
2. スキー場で
A. Don't make a big deal out of nothing.
B. It is a big deal. You might have broken your foot.
A. I don't think so. I'm okay.
out of nothing 「何もないところから」は非常に英語的な表現ですが、こんな発想がパッと浮かぶようになるまで、何度も繰り返し練習してみましょう。
from Chika
- They are handmade wooden dolls. They have a round head and cylindrical body with colorful designs. They are often sold as a souvenir for tourists at scenic spots.
- Two belt-wearing wrestlers are against one another in a ring called Dohyo. It’s a well-known traditional sport in Japan.
- It's the Japanese art of growing miniature potted trees. To achieve the ideal shape requires a considerable amount of knowledge and labor.
- It's a popular Japanese dish. Thinly sliced meat and vegetables are boiled quickly in a pot full of broth and eaten after being dipped in a sauce with some condiments.
- It's a Japanese winter dish cooked in broth seasoned with soy sauce. The main ingredients are daikon, boiled eggs, and fishcakes. Japanese mustard called karashi is also used as a condiment.
- It's a Japanese traditional sweet commonly made of rice, flour, azuki beans, sugar, etc. It’s typically served with Japanese green tea.
- It's a traditional heating system in Japan, which is a table and heater combined as one piece of furniture. The heater is attached to the underside of the table and a quilt is draped over the table so that the heat can stay there.
- こけし
こけしは手作りの木製人形。カラフルなデザインの丸い頭と円筒形の体の人形です。観光地を訪れる旅行客のお土産としてよく売られています。- 相撲
まわしを締めた2人の力士が土俵と呼ばれる競技場で戦います。これは日本で有名な伝統競技です。- 盆栽
ミニチュアの鉢植え栽培の日本芸術。理想の形に仕上げるには、かなりの知識と手間を必要とします。- しゃぶしゃぶ
しゃぶしゃぶは人気のある日本料理です。薄切りされたお肉と野菜を鍋の中のスープにすばやくくくらせて調理し、薬味の入ったたれにつけて食べます。- おでん
おでんは醤油で味付けされただしで調理される冬の日本料理です。主な食材は大根、ゆで卵、練り製品で、からしと呼ばれる日本のマスタードが薬味として使われます。- 和菓子
和菓子は日本の伝統的なお菓子で、一般的にお米、小麦粉、小豆、砂糖などで作られます。そして日本茶とともに出されることが主流です。- こたつ


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