【フレーズ】 It's scorching hot today.
scorch は「〜を焦がす」という意味の動詞なので、scorching hot は「焼け付くように暑い」となります。
1. 猛暑
A. It's scorching hot today!
B. It will probably get even hotter.
A. We should go to the shopping mall and cool down there.
2. 真夏のピクニック
A. Should I bring some ice cream to the picnic today?
B. I don't think that's a good idea. It's scorching hot today, so it will melt right away.
A. Yeah, you're right. I'll bring some snacks instead.
単に hot というより、scorching hot のほうが今の猛烈な暑さにピッタリ合います。

YOSHIのネイティブフレーズ 運営スタッフ

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