【フレーズ】Keep up the good work for the second half of the year.
下半期は the second half of the year と言います。Keep up the good work. は「その調子で引き続きがんばって」という意味でよく使われるフレーズです。
1. 仕事は順調
A. Today's the last day of June. Unbelievable!
B. I know, right? We have accomplished so much, but there's no time to slow down just yet.
A. Let's keep up the good work for the second half of the year!
2. 継続は力なり
A. Have you been hitting the gym?
B. Yeah. It was actually one of my New Year's resolutions.
A. That's awesome. Keep up the good work for the second half of the year as well!
上半期は the first half of the year です。

YOSHIのネイティブフレーズ 運営スタッフ

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