【フレーズ】Who does the dishes in your family?
家事にも色々な種類がありますが、今回は Who does the __ in your family?(あなたの家では、誰が__をしますか?/__は誰の担当ですか?)のパターンを使って練習してみましょう。
1. 家事の分担
A. Who does the dishes in your family?
B. My mom does. I sometimes help her, but she does most of the household chores.
A. I see.
2. 買い物
A. Who does the grocery shopping in your family?
B. I do. I enjoy going to grocery stores and farmers markets because I like finding new and interesting ingredients to cook with.
A. I hate going to grocery stores. I do all my grocery shopping online.
do the dishes、do the (grocery) shopping、do the cleaning など、フレーズを変えて練習してみてくださいね。
YOSHIのネイティブフレーズ 運営スタッフ
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